About Us

Training & Education

This committee is interested in educational needs of the people living in the Balbriggan area. It has been focusing on Voter Education & Active Citizenship of migrants as well as English language provision.

Organised activities include:

Voter Education/Active Citizenship training in Cairde Balbriggan

Topics explored:

a.   Our Voices – Our Vote – Looks at why people vote and how to register and vote in Elections.

b.   Local Government Elections –Looks at the role of local government, its rationale and provides information on the process of local elections

c.   European Union Elections – Provides information on the European Union, its treaties, and how Ireland is governed as a member of the

European Union

d.   Active Citizenship – What does Active Citizenship mean?  Explores Local, National and global issues; and considers ways of taking an

informed stance on the issues facing individuals and communities today

e.   Candidates – Outlines a process for evaluating election manifestos in the light of a more just society and presents an approach to choosing candidates on an informed basis

If you interested in courses listed below please email: marianna@cairde.ie or education3bif@gmail.com by 21/02/2014

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